Film Feast
A Food and Film Fusion
Film Feast is all about bringing communities together through a love of film, food and drink while at the same time celebrating the incredible array of local food and drink producers in our region.
In the past our Film Feast Festival has showcased feature films, documentaries and short films from around the world all on the subject of food and drink with each evening ending with a meal replicated from one of the feature films screened earlier in the day. There have also been some very special pop-up screenings around town at local independent cafes and restaurants featuring food associated with the films screened. Wherever possible all the food used will also be sourced locally.
Whilst we have sadly been unable to host any Film Feast events in the last few years, in 2019 Film Feast took place at 16 venues across Suffolk and we also held our first event in London, following the festival's launch in 2018 whch took place in and around just Woodbridge itself.
The format is the idea of our Manager, Neil McGlone, and Film Feast patrons are British film director, Mike Leigh, TV personality and restaurateur, Ruth Watson, and Suffolk’s farmer and TV personality, Jimmy Doherty.
Keep a look out on this page for any future Film Feast events!