Movie and Meal Voucher

£25 Per Voucher

Our movie and meal voucher allows you to choose from the restaurant's "Movie and Meal Menu" and one of our regular new release films (over 120 each year). The voucher cannot be used for our live or recorded broadcast screenings, exhibition on screen, old films or one-off special screenings.

If you wish to do the deal yourselves rather than buy vouchers as a gift, then simply call the restaurant to book your table and then speak to the cinema to reserve your seats and pay the £25pp fee, you then do not need to buy the vouchers here first.

You must book in advance by reserving your table and seats via the box office on 01394 382174. The vouchers are valid for one year from date of purchase and an expiry date will be printed on the voucher.

Specify required quantities or amounts

Movie and Meal Voucher (£25 Per Voucher)